Drop Cowboy


Ninja Forms

Send a Ringless Voicemail or SMS when a Ninja Form is Filled Out

How to integrate Ninja Forms with Drop Cowboy

Drop Cowboy integrates with Ninja Forms with a service called Zapier, Zapier allows us to push and pull data to and from Ninja Forms along with 1400 applications.

  • Step 1 - Sign Up for Drop Cowboy
    ( Sign Up Now )
  • Step 2 - Subscribe to Zapier
  • Step 3 - Create Ninja Forms trigger
    Example: When new contact is created, send Ringless Voicemail
  • Step 4 - Record Voicemail

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Integrate Ringless Voicemail With 1400+ Applications

Zapier integrates Drop Cowboy Ringless Voicemail Into 1400+ Applications.

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Directly Integrate Ringless Voicemail Into Your App

Drop Cowboy offers on open API for developers to directly integrate ringless voicemail into your software application.

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Creating a compelling site on Wordpress can be a challenge. Wordpress is a popular “website builder” - if you can call it that - but it comes at the cost of higher complexity. If you want more options for customization, you have to accept more sophisticated tools.

Ninja forms, however, wants to make using Wordpress easier - well, the form creation part, at least. Ninja Forms is a Wordpress plug-in that makes it easy to build forms, eliminating the need to write HTML code or do anything remotely complicated. It’s a godsend for those who aren’t particularly technically-minded.

The Most Powerful Wordpress Form Builder In Existence

It wouldn’t be correct to say that Ninja Forms is the only Wordpress form builder out there: there have been options for that on the marketplace for years. Ninja Forms, however, builds considerably on the form building experience of other add-ons. It goes a step further, providing arguably the most potent form-building option available today.

The success of Ninja Forms is down to its granularity and intuitive user-interface. When you’re editing a form, you want to be able to drill down into the most basic elements and construct something from the ground up. Usually, when applications provide users with more basic functions, they become more challenging to use, but the creators of Ninja Forms seem to have found a way around this. Settings are abundant, yet the whole thing feels slick and uncomplicated. It takes a couple of minutes to get your bearings, and then off you go.

The way Ninja Forms manages to pull this off has a lot to do with how it presents the form building process. It doesn’t just throw you in at the deep end with a blank slate and then tell you to build - that would be tough. Instead, it lets you pre-select forms if you want, tinker around the edges, and experiment until you get things right. You can, if you want, build a form from scratch, or you can import a template and make simple changes.

The other thing that the software does very well is making it intuitive to adjust individual fields. You can change their shape, size, font, and pretty much anything else without having to know the first thing about coding. The plug-in includes all the options you need.

Developer-Friendly Features

You can tell that the developers of Ninja forms built the product from the ground up with developer-friendly features in mind. The product is brimming with things that make your life a lot easier.

Take functions, filters, and hooks, for instance. If you want to create a custom experience for users interacting with your webpages, you can use Ninja Forms inbuilt features to do so.

You can also integrate Ninja Forms into Wordpress in practically any way you like, including with a widget, template function or shortcode. You can even choose to append automatically to your content pages - it’s that simple.

The same customer-centric approach applies to updates too. You can update Ninja Forms Wordpress with one click.

Extensions For Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms knows that it can’t provide all the functionality that users need in a single app, so it allows you to enhance and extend the core app with a variety of extensions.

Let’s suppose, for instance, that you want to collect Paypal payments using your forms. Companies do this all the time: every time you pay for something online, you’re using a questionnaire. Businesses use Wordpress websites, so it makes sense for Ninja Forms to offer this feature.

The form-building app also integrates with Stripe - a popular card payments platform. You can create a form using Ninja Forms and then add on Stripe to accept card payments, providing a seamless experience for customers.

What if you want to connect your forms to other apps that don’t have official compatibility? Ninja Forms lets you do that too. You can use extensions like Zapier to integrate unsupported apps, like Google Sheets, Excel, Zendesk, and more, without any coding. Zapier bridges the gap to your app of choice, allowing you to populate fields automatically from form input data on your site.

Getting users to complete longer forms is a challenge. Sometimes you need to collect more than an email address and password. Ninja Forms has an extension called multi-part forms that makes it easy to spread your forms over multiple web pages, breaking up the user experience.

The main thrust behind everything that Ninja Forms is doing is to make it so that a rank amateur can create bespoke, compelling forms with incredible functionality. It’s not an easy task, but the developer has had remarkable success so far. The combination of in-house enhancements with third-party extensions has transformed Ninja Forms into a market- beating product. You no longer need to have coding skills to build forms with advanced functionality - you just need to follow a few simple steps. What’s more, if you get stuck, the Ninja Forms team is standing to help.

Do People Like Ninja Forms?

Ninja Forms wouldn’t be where it is today without its corporate following. People with all manner of websites love the app because of its slick interface and rejection of the usual Wordpress admin. The app leaves users feeling as if the whole of Wordpress should work this way, not just this one plug-in.

Customers also love the ease with which they can use the form builder. You can pick it up in the morning and have multiple forms ready by lunchtime, each with unique functions. It offers a plethora of features, but it never feels overwhelming. What’s more, the Ninja Forms team is continually looking for ways to improve its product and iron out bugs. You get the sense that you’re using a highly polished product that won’t lead to nightmare scenarios such as your site crashing.

Ninja Forms’ business model is to be as helpful as possible. The company’s international approach is part of the reason why it has been so successful and it continues to add features, especially to the professional and agency versions of the product.


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Use of this service requires that you comply with all rules, regulations, and laws including the TCPA, TSR, national do-not-call registry . You must obtain opt-in permission from your contacts where required. Additional restrictions apply. See our Terms of Service for details.

If you received an unwanted message from one of our customers, please report it to support@dropcowboy.com .

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